RBA Ambiental is the only Argentine company to guarantee the absolute traceability of the UCO, from collection through the final disposal of this residue.
- The preparation of the Collection Manifest is checked on-line by our proprietary logistic management system.
- The download of UCO at our plant is controlled by checking it against the information in the Manifests.
- Finally, once at the plant, the traceability of the collected and of the processed UCO is carried out through a mass balance system and/or physical segregation.
RBA Ambiental possess the logistic infrastructure and the procedures in place, necessary to guarantee the absolute traceability of each litre of UCO generated in the country through to its final disposal.
ISCC Certification for RBA Ambiental
In 2013 ECOPOR S.A./RBA Ambiental(*) obtained the ISCC certificate (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification), which guarantees that the collection and processing of used vegetable oil done by RBA Ambiental complies with the sustainability and greenhouse gas reduction requirements, according to the EU RED (European Renewable Energy Directive).
ISCC is a global certifying scheme that covers all kinds of biomasses and is used in the European markets as well as in the rest of the world. It is carried out through independent regulatory bodies which verify the sustainability of production through audits and clear protocol procedures approved by ISCC. Therefore, ISCC represents a transparent system for the certification of biomasses and biofuels as well, oriented to:
- The reduction of Greenhouse gas emissions
- Sustainable use of the soil
- The protection of natural biospheres
- Social sustainability
The ISCC seal is a trustworthy proof to differentiate between a sustainable biomass or bioenergy from a non- sustainable one.
ECOPOR S.A./RBA Ambiental(*) is the first UCO Collection and Treatment Company in Argentina to achieve ISCC Certification. It represents a great motivation for us to keep on working for a greater sustainability on a daily basis.
(*) RBA Ambiental is the commercial trademark under which ECOPOR S.A. carries out its environmental services in Argentina.