22 de julio de 2013

RBA Ambiental introduced the Bio Program in Junín.
The BIO Program, which will permit the recovery and treatment of Used Vegetable Oils (UCO) for the generation of biofuels, was introduced at MUMA. The Municipal Mayor, Mr. Mario Meoni, the Economic Development and Strategic Planning Secretary, Mr. Oscar Palma, the Sanitary Management Director, Mariano Petraglia and the President of RBA Ambiental, Flavio Porcille, attended the event.
The Bio program main objective is the recovery and treatment of Used Vegetable Oils for the production of biofuels. Therefore, companies, institutions, stores, and the local government have signed agreements. RBA Ambiental will train restaurants owners, food stores, and any establishment which uses used vegetable oils.
The Primary Storage Center (PSC) will operate in the vicinity of the Sanitary Management location, Alberdi 870, where the neighbors (not stores) will be able to donate their UCO. RBA Ambiental will contribute with the containers and will regularly do the collection of the oil, providing the corresponding certificates. The OPDS will provide identification stickers to adhering stores, containers and educational materials. The Municipality of Junín will coordinate the program, control its operation, and expand the general awareness campaign.
Regarding this program, the Municipal Mayor, Mario Meoni, expressed “.thank you all for your presence and thanks to RBA Ambiental’s Chairman for the decision to move forward to work in Junín together with “Club de Leones”. Today, on the World Environment Day, it is really important for us to start recycling oil, which might not be considered so important, or that oil is just an ordinary fluid, but in fact, oils cause great contamination to the environment”. It also generates an extra cost as it makes it necessary to clean pipes and drains. Instead, that money could be used to expand the sewer system and the drinking water system for citizens or to any other kind of work”.
“The municipality does plenty of activities regarding the care of the environment, although it is not sufficient because there is much more to do and resources are not enough. Our society is still not aware of what should be done in order to improve the environment, and our main objective is to change bad habits.” While the Sanitary Management Director, Mariano Petraglia claimed that “the idea of our area is to collaborate with the recycling of oil because its pouring in the sewer system is harmful due to the fact that thin layers of it accumulated until they block the pipe system. We have decided to create the first primary gathering center in our area, where the residents will take the oil in their containers, we will store it to be collected by the company”.
We work so that people become aware and we hope that the system improves every time.” Also, the Chairman of RBA Ambiental, Flavio Porcille expressed, “.thank you very much for the invitation and for letting me participate in the celebration of this day with you. It is important that also today we are signing this agreement. Used oil is a generalized problem as it blocks the pipe-works and also causes other damages to the environment due to the fact that its disposal is a problem”.
“Our company is devoted to gather used oils and turn them into recovered materials, and then used as biofuel. It is a free service without a cost for restaurants, stores or households.
We have already signed an agreement with the Hotel’s Federation, which became committed to support this project. We encourage all the ones present here, restaurants and housewives to participate in this program, which is totally free and benefits the community, in this case “Club de Leones”, who will get some money upon the collection of the used oil. Recycling oils brings about benefits such as making sure that used vegetable oils are not reused for human consumption in an illegal way.” Finally, Oscar Palma, the Economic Development and Strategic Planning Secretary added, “I thank the company and “Club de Leones” as they will work with this program together with restaurants, Hotels and the hospital and cafeterias which have enrolled in this program.”