14 de julio de 2013

Junín introduced the Bio Plan for the recovery and treatment of Used Vegetable Oil
The generation of biofuels as an objective.
Junín started the “Bio Plan”, whose main objective is the recovery and treatment of used vegetable oils (UCO) to generate biofuels. Therefore, companies, institutions, stores and the community of this city have signed agreements.
RBA Ambiental will train restaurants, food stores and any other store which works with used vegetable oils. The participants in this plan are The Provincial Organism for the Sustainable Development (POSD), the Municipality of Junín, RBA Ambiental, and Club de Leones de Junín.
The objective is the recovery of used vegetable oils (UCOs) in the city of Junín, reduce the pollution in water flows due to the pouring of used oils, generate a non-fossil energy resources by means of biodiesel, cooperate with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, diminish the obstruction in sewer Systems and pipe Works, help with the cultural change in the reuse of resources and environmental care, avoid reuse of vegetable oils and create economic and charity resources for social organizations.
Stores and residential UCO generators will gather it in containers for its subsequent use in the production of biodiesel. RBA Ambiental will periodically collect the used vegetable oil from restaurants, stores and all establishments adherent to the Bio Plan. The containers for recovery will be delivered by the company, which will provide a certificate for the collection, disposal and treatment of the recovered oils. The storage will be done in containers of 20, 50, 100 y 200 liters supplied by RBA Ambiental. Club de Leones Junín will be in charge of the promotion of the Bio Plan in neighborhoods, schools and public events, it will also set up green points with the corresponding introduction to the subject to neighborhoods. This institution will be the only one benefiting, with an agreed payment for each liter of recovered UCO.
The Primary Storage Center (PSC) will operate in the vicinity of the Sanitary Management location, Alberdi 870, where the neighbors (not stores) will be able to donate their UCO. RBA Ambiental will contribute with the containers and will regularly do the collection of the oil, providing the corresponding certificates. The OPDS will provide identification stickers to adhering stores, containers and educational materials.
The Municipality of Junín will coordinate the program, control its operation, and expand the general awareness campaign. Before signing any agreement, the Municipality must set up a legal and specific social organization which actively participates in the Bio Plan through environmental awareness, broadcasting, and encouraging residents to participate in the program.
The cooperative entity will be Club de Leones Junín. RBA Ambiental is authorized by the National Energy Ministry for the production of biodiesel. This company will collect the used oil periodically and provide the corresponding certificates.
The Environmental Coordinator of the Municipality of Junín, Mariano Demaría will be in charge of the contact with the community and Plan control. A survey coordinated with RBA Ambiental will be carried out in restaurants, food stores and any other establishment which uses or works with used vegetable oils (UCO).