Strategic Agreements

At RBA Ambiental, we are proud to engage in strategic and collaboration agreements with institutions, companies and other entities with the goal of generating and transferring knowledge on topics relevant to our activity and that can have a positive impact in the communities in which we operate. Through these activities we restate our commitment and ethical values.
The most relevant ones are:
(Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial) National Institute of Industrial Technology through its Cereal and Oleaginous Crops Center. A development and investigation agreement by which we jointly work towards the creation of new UCO (Used Cooking Oil) treatment processes.
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(Aguas y Saneamientos Argentinos S.A.) Water and Argentine Sanitation CO. The largest Argentine sanitation company that provides water and sanitation services to more than 14 million clients throughout CABA (The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires) and to 17 surrounding counties in the province of Buenos Aires. Development and Implementation of awareness campaigns about the importance of collecting UCO (Used Cooking Oil).
(Federacion Empresaria Hotelera Gastronomica de la Republica Argentina) Federation of Hotel and Gastronomic Businesses of the Argentine Republic. Cooperation agreement for the collection and final disposal of UCO. This program is implemented through 63 FEGHRA subsidiaries throughout the country.