Household collection

RBA Ambiental is the only Argentine company that provides an integral and responsible collection and disposal service for all the UCO that you generate at your home or at your industrial or gastronomic business.

RBA Ambiental commitment ranges from the collection of this residue to its recycling to produce 2G Bioenergy (2nd Generation Bioenergy).


What does the collection consist of?

RBA Ambiental collects the household UCO from the Green Points and the CAPs (Primary Accumulation Centers) in each municipality.  Moreover, our truck fleet carries out the collection from neighborhood and regional gathering points, such as public entities, NGOs or from other nonprofit associations.

How should you collect your household UCO?

Once cold, the UCO should be poured into a clean plastic container with a cap (a mineral water or soda bottle can be used) and then take it to a Green Point for its correct disposal.

Locate the Green Point nearest to you home.

... the biofuel from UCO reduces in 88% the greenhouse gas emissions generated by mineral diesel? invernadero que genera el petrodiesel?

Jujuy 903. Parque industrial Bella Vista. Buenos Aires. Argentina

+54 (11) 4666 2220

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